Thursday 19 June 2008

The story so far

Almost end of the third week in the field and I have done 16 interviews. I don't know what am I going to do with all this... I started reviewing the literature again (very slowly) to guide my thoughts in this last week, and I think I drew a line here and there, of things that I am NOT interested in. For example, I am not interested in the details of editor's interactions with the Content Management System. Poor usability there abounds, but this is not what my theses is about. In the same way, I am not interested in fixing management problems (shortage of staff, for example).

On the other hand I can start seeing patterns in what people tell me, about what story I can tell about the comparison I set myself to do.

"Acting with Technology" is Bonnie Nardi and Victor Kaptelinin's new book on Activity Theory, which I recommended to UCL's library to purchase and happily collected today!

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