Sunday 25 May 2008

IM and AT

I was running around the web trying to find some illumination for my ACS exam question about cultural influences in design and I bumped into the Interaction Culture blog. She, or he, I couldn't get it, has a tag dedicated to Activity Theory and even does an experiment on looking at Instant Messenger from an AT perspective. It is a good example how it is possible to do an AT analysis, that is of course, not very deeply rooted into the whole Russian-Scandinavian philosophical discourse, but that helps designers -- as the Mr. or Mrs. from the blog -- to understand what people do with a tool.

Also found another book by Nardi and Kaptelinin "Acting with Thechnology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design". It seems quite good and a reviewer say that they give practical examples of application of the theory model in real design situations. That's what I am looking for.

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