Leipzig was just great! The city is fantastic, the neighbourhood where we stayed was the industrial part of town (and when I say industrial is East Germany Industrial), with infinite derelict buildings, just waiting for people to make parties in them. My favourite thing was to look inside them through the holes in the doors and windows. The interior of some of them is still quite impressive. In some there are some people living, others were converted into huge apartments, in others there is nothing but past. It felt like half of the city had ran away from some plague: things left half done, plants growing in the ceilings of abandoned towers and massive massive plants with great massive smashed glass windows, all these places made of bricks and concrete. Nobody was around. It was a weekend.
Then the party was something else. We were invited -- to go to Leipzig in the first place - to go to the last ever party in Bimbo Town (which in German apparently means Negro Town, and is not related to bread as I thought, or to cute useless blonde girls as Ian thought)
I have been thinking in how I can describe what this place is like, and the best I could compare it to is Blade Runner's toy maker: that guy that seats around making his own little weird dolls and dwarfs and all these other weird, quite old and decadent things, which are incredibly curious and inspiring.
Jim, the author of such a parallel world, is a parallel guy himself. What an amusing, interesting, intelligent person to talk to. What an amazing man... he builds what he calls "friendly machines", which are, in fact, robots: small, funny, big, bumpy, rude, missing parts, they are every where. Then the sofas that "eats you up" and the bed that takes you for a walk, and the "giant pudding made of air chambers that feels your presence and bumps into you. And, the detail is that we have the place all for ourselves. It was like having someone closing Disney just to you when you are a kid (I guess)
I could spend the night writing about it.
The point I wanted to make is that for 2 days I have been to another planet: Spinnereistraße, 7. And it is difficult to get used to Earth again. And specially difficult is to make all last week's thoughts flow back again into my head...
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