Monday, 9 June 2008

Back to the newsroom

... I had to get my head around things pretty quickly. It was very good to go there late at night and meeting one of the subeditors with whom I talked to last week. And he let me watch him doing his job from quite close and ask him questions and chat... it was fabulous!

I am trying to keep the Activity Theory background questions in my head, but finding it complicated. I find that I focus more on certain aspects (like rules and community) and less in others (like division of labour and the objects). I guess I started seeing patterns of behaviour, as now I have seen the work of more than one person. And I think that I will start seeing things better as I write them down.

Tempted to dig into the night and transcribe everything I saw right now...

I need to keep thinking: what is this story about? what am I seeing?

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