Saturday, 7 June 2008

1st week wrap up

So, that's it, the first week is gone. At first I had the impression I didn't gather much, but reading my notes yesterday made me change my mind.

I feel now I understand the basis of how the newsroom works, and I have contacted 13 people, observed 1 of them working, interviewed 3 others, chatted to other 4 and have interviews scheduled for the rest. Which is good, but not enough.

Yesterday I met Simon and he seemed pleased with the work so far. We had a good chat about AT, which I had kind had put in the back of my mind, for now. But now he read my "theoretical considerations" document he seems to be less suspicious about it now and less reluctant that I decided to use it as a framework. He also liked the document, specially the analogy of trip to an unknown city, regarding the question about using or not a framework to guide research.

He asked me to put together a list of "what the story is about", which is a great way of thinking for me, as this is what I do, I put stories together. He also clarified to which extent I need to explain "how I did it". He thinks, for example, that the story of the badge is a good example that shows I was sensitive to the constraints of the field, and to the people around me, which is a good methodological point, but the limit to which I need to tell the story "behind the scenes" in the theses.

There is another framework, which he used in his theses, by Rasmunssen, which in a way talks about the same things that AT does, with another language. He says it is enormous and very complicated to get your head around it, but recommended I read chapter 2 of his (Simon's) theses, where there is a good summary of it all.

I feel rested and today I could stay at home and write all day long. But I am off to Leipzig now and will be back on Monday. Looking forward to knowing a new city, this time, without any maps!

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